Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Here are some links that I think will be helpful for creating comics en espaƱol.  I like the site a lot. Below the link is a YouTube lesson that I think is a good hands-on-guide. You can pause the video and practice what the instructor is demonstrating.

Other sites:

Here is a link that you can use to type out words with Spanish characters and punctuation. You then have to copy and paste the word or phrase into the comic.

To look up words, go to:

Using Google:

Please try and stay away from google.translate. Yes, it's easy. Many times the wording it gives students is beyond where their own Spanish is at. It's fun seeing you squirm and try to explain a word, phrase or grammar concept that you have not yet learned. 

Even more fun is seeing how the wording comes out goofy. One student was describing is family, and somehow he ended up say that his mother was aluminum. Wow, that's kind of cool! An aluminum mom! I wonder if that meant the student was half aluminum. If so, don't judge. :)

Welcome Post


This is an attempt to use technology to reach out to and help my Spanish students. I will be including links to helpful websites, assignment descriptions. Please add comments for what you would like to see.

I am keeping this first post brief as it is just a start, and I want to add some tools that I think will be helpful to my students.


Sr. Didier